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Here is why I am blogging

January 6, 2009

I have decided to do this.

Yeah, it may be a bit presumptuous.  But heck, I preach.  Most things after that are less audacious and bold than preaching.  This will be a way to put together thoughts that would be lost if I did not own them enough to share them. Plus, it is possible that others will add to my knowledge or thinking.  Can I be committed enough to my ideas, thoughts, questions, observations, ramblings, etc. to actually hit the POST button?

I also want a place to link up with my sermons.  I just want to link up to an audio file of my sermon so people can listen, download or put a sermon on a disk to share with others.  Since I have stopped preaching from a manuscript, this is more important. Of course, I will have to burn CDs for Chris Jackman.  I mean….

Sometimes after a sermon I check my notes and realize I had other things to add.  This blog would allow me to do so.  I can even touch on aspects of the scripture that did not come out in the sermon, but seem important to me.  Heck, I could add the scripture reading in my own voice and ‘voice’.  LOL.  An idea even as a type.

It is not that I think my sermons are great or timeless.  I do think that if they are important it is only because the congregation heard them.  I mean if a sermon is a real rotter, others will want to hear them and should at least know what others are talking about when they roll their eyes and say, “You will not believe what Mark said…!”  Of course the same is true if they are good, interesting, helpful, provocative, thought producing, etc.  But mostly this is about people able to have the same experience/input as the rest of the congregation.

If you are not a part of Bethany Church, you still might find the sermon of value. I would dearly like to think so. But I have no perspective.

I want to give people the opportunity to hear what I have done.  I really do not know if any one will want to hear past sermons or read these blogs.  But it will be good for me.  That is why it is Revmarkp’s blog.

Enough.  Gotta figure out how to do this and then launch it.

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